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The Challenge for Aspiring Leaders of High-stakes Testing with All Year Groups, Arising from Educational Reforms

ArgumentEducational changes are rife in the contemporary political climate. From the introduction of a Labour academy policy designed to improve “educational outcomes in deprived ...

Why is the Malaria article so hard to solve

Malarial infection of human hosts is only likely to be solved by genetic engineering of the human genome or immune system. As such the therapy is likely to throw up many social,...

Do It Yourself Light Speedometer

Though the speed of light may be set in stone, that doesn t stop us from measuring it. This report aims to present a way of measuring the speed of light using ordinary everyday obj...

Learning mathematics differently, learning a different mathematics.

Learning mathematics differently, learning a different mathematics. Unfortunately my memory does not allow me to recall as far back as I would like it to. For this reason I will co...